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We Have a Dream

Of late, 'I have a dream moments are not as common as they used to be!! Economic realities are slowly waking us up from our reveries and unemployment, together with other contemporary challenges have bashed the fickle hope that we just might have still had...most of us are disillusioned, most of us feel maimed and trapped.


And that was my story too! Dr.Spencer Johnson would have descibed me as; stuck at wondering 'who moved my cheese?' but soon enough, and luckily for me, I progressed from that question and started wondering, 'why didn't I get up and move with the cheese, sooner?' :)


No one should be damned for feeling pressured by the day to day challenges met in a bid to survive...the market out there is very harsh for those seeking employment, and ironically, for those creating employment too!


When my partner, Elkana, first came to me with the idea to start this institution, I realised at once that that, so far might just have been one of the most brilliant ideas ever thought of!! I couldn't think of a better way to put our knowledge of the law into use other than that. It was a genuis idea (and still is), from a clearly bright guy (and that's why he's my partner!!! :)


The Bigger Picture

At our commencement on 01/08/2013, we made a conscious decision to accept the honorable job of making the world out there a more friendly place for people who had ideas and were not sure about how reasonable such would be; we would do this by providing services that would empower them. As an idea, it sounded very 'do-able' but once we had embarked on it, we found out that we would encounter countless challenges on the way.


But still, we were not going to give up...we had finally got the courage to stand at the peek of the mountain and see whether if we flapped away, our wings would do us justice!!!


Baby Steps

So we are slowly learning not to despise the small things in life, because with the right amount of passion, precision and dedication things happen; good things come to those who will :)


Our dream may not save every one in the world as much as we want it to...but we believe that as we continue working at making life easier for you, we get to learn about ways to make life easier for us too, and with that, the world really does become a better place for everyone!


Thanks for your suppport and for believing in us, were it not the case, you would not have read this very long, wordy bio to the end!! :)


Kind regards,


Samita :)


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